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With Hona, Social Media Will Never Sink Your Case.

Wyatt Frasier
October 17, 2024
With Hona, Social Media Will Never Sink Your Case.

You’ve prepared for months, the case is tight, and the win is right in front of you. And then, it’s gone. Your client posts a status or photo that the defense takes and sinks everything you’ve done in less than a minute. Photos, status updates, and comments shared online can profoundly affect the trajectory of a case, painting a picture of a claimant's life that could either substantiate or undermine their claims. But consistent education and reminders for clients are hard. They take time, focus, and energy away from your efforts to build and execute your case- and that’s why Hona is here to help!  

The Challenge of Client Education

Client education is crucial, yet it presents significant challenges. Given the complexity of legal proceedings and the nuances of individual cases, explaining to clients how their actions—both offline and online—can impact their case, is no easy feat. Furthermore, the task of maintaining consistent communication to provide these necessary guidelines, while juggling various cases and responsibilities, can strain even the most organized legal professional's bandwidth.

The advent of social media has added a new layer to this educational task. In an age where people share the minutiae of their daily lives with hundreds, if not thousands of followers, it's all too easy for a client to inadvertently post something that contradicts their claims or undercuts their case.

Best Practices for Managing social media in Personal Injury Cases

Given the potential impact of social media on personal injury cases, attorneys must adopt best practices to guide their clients effectively:

  1. Educate your clients: Ensure your clients understand the potential impacts of their social media activity on their case. With Hona, attorneys can share this information conveniently through the client portal.
  2. Establish a clear social media policy: Outline rules for online activity during the case. This could range from deactivating social media accounts to refraining from discussing the case online.
  3. Provide regular reminders: Reinforce the importance of social media caution throughout the case's duration. Hona’s portal allows for automated reminders, reducing the manual follow-up required.
  4. Monitor public posts: With the client's consent, monitor their public social media posts to prevent accidental self-sabotage.
  5. Encourage honesty: Stress the importance of truthful online activity. Any misleading posts that are uncovered can seriously undermine their case.

How Hona's Client Portal Streamlines Client Education

Addressing these client education challenges requires innovative solutions, which is where Hona's client portal shines. Hona simplifies and enhances the attorney-client communication process, making it easier than ever to ensure clients understand the potential impacts of their social media activity on their case.

Hona provides a dedicated platform where attorneys can efficiently share guidelines and resources about social media use and its legal implications. These resources can be accessed by clients anytime, anywhere, reinforcing crucial information without constant attorney intervention. This alleviates the pressure on attorneys to maintain a continuous stream of reminders and advice, freeing up valuable time for other case-related tasks.

Hona's client portal is designed with the end user in mind, offering a user-friendly platform that clients can navigate with ease. The portal provides a secure environment for attorneys to share case updates, documents, and educational materials, offering clients a one-stop-shop for all their case-related needs.

The Impact of social media on Personal Injury Claims

To appreciate the significance of Hona's client portal, we need to delve into the role of social media in personal injury cases. This is best illustrated through a couple of case studies.

In the case of Romano v. Steelcase Inc., the plaintiff claimed severe injuries resulting in confinement to her home and bed. However, her social media posts, including pictures depicting an active lifestyle, contradicted her claims. Consequently, the court granted the defense access to her social media records, affirming that online content can be used as evidence if it's relevant to a lawsuit.

A similar situation arose in Largent v. Reed, where the plaintiff's Facebook posts were used as evidence that her injuries were not as severe as she claimed, leading to a ruling that set a precedent: there is no confidentiality for information posted on social networking sites.

These cases illustrate how social media has become a powerful tool for evidence gathering in personal injury cases, underlining the need for clients to be mindful of their online activity. And here's where Hona's client portal comes into play, providing an efficient platform to impart this essential knowledge to clients.

Final Thoughts

In today’s digital era, ignoring the impact of social media on personal injury law is no longer an option. By understanding the significant role these platforms play and leveraging tools like Hona's client portal, law firms can safeguard their clients’ interests while enhancing the overall client experience.

By implementing a streamlined process for client education, Hona's client portal allows legal professionals to focus more on the intricacies of the case at hand, and less on the logistics of communication. This not only leads to more successful case outcomes but also fosters stronger attorney-client relationships, marking a significant step forward for law practices in the digital age.